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Church of Eng­land Encour­ages Use of Gay Flags in Cathe­drals

Recent­ly, the Church of Eng­land has reached the head­lines, as it can’t seem to define what a woman is and it is con­sid­er­ing declar­ing itself homo­pho­bic, but there is more to be said on the sub­ject, as they tac­it­ly encour­age the dis­play of rain­bow flags on their church­es. 

Richard Brown, a lay mem­ber from Chelms­ford Dio­cese, had asked the Bish­op of Bris­tol, Vivi­enne Faull:

“Bear­ing in mind the imagery of the rain­bow, as described in Gen­e­sis 9, as being the sign that God will nev­er again destroy the world He has cre­at­ed, what steps do the House of Bish­ops intend to take to dis­cour­age the use of the rain­bow in any polit­i­cal con­text being dis­played on cathe­drals and church build­ings?”

In her answer pub­lished ini­tial­ly on the Syn­od notice paper, Bish­op Faull had replied: “At present the House of Bish­ops does not intend to take any steps in this area.” But this was changed in a sub­se­quent notice paper and a fuller answer from Bish­op Faull was then pub­lished:

“The rain­bow is a pow­er­ful sym­bol of hope with­in the Judeo-Chris­t­ian tra­di­tion. As such, it is used in a num­ber of ‘sec­u­lar’ con­texts: to sym­bol­ise sup­port and grat­i­tude for the NHS; to her­ald the post-apartheid era of the Repub­lic of South Africa as a ‘rain­bow nation’; as well as a sym­bol of sup­port for the gay Pride move­ment. Giv­en its mul­ti­va­lence, the House of Bish­ops does not have any plans at present to take steps to dis­cour­age the dis­play­ing of the rain­bow on cathe­drals and church build­ings.”

Rain­bow flags are most well known today as a sign of sup­port for LGBTQ activism, agen­da, and actions. The church of Eng­land would do well to remem­ber the words of Jesus in Luke 17:32 “Remem­ber Lot’s wife.” God takes even the sup­port of sodomy seri­ous­ly, as Paul declared that sup­port­ers of trans­gen­derist or homo­sex­u­al­ist prac­tices have mer­it­ed death, accord­ing to Romans 1.

Sam Jones

Pastor Sam Jones currently serves multiple churches by filling pulpit under the ministry of Cornerstone World Outreach. He resides in Sioux City, Iowa with the love of his life Sarah and their two sons Thomas and Henry. He is most known for his teachings on the 4 spheres of delegated government and being a voice for the pre-born.

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One Comment

  1. Umm­mm, the rain­bow is the sign that God will not destroy the world with a FLOOD again. FIRE is not a flood… The church of Eng­land has been apos­tate for as long as I can remem­ber, and it has only suf­fered since Charles, an infi­del and heretic, was made King and head of the CofE.

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