Ene­mies With­in the Church

“Ene­mies With­in The Church” shows evi­dence for expos­ing false teach­ers and orga­ni­za­tions with an under­ly­ing agen­da to under­mine the influ­ence of Christ across the world. Every sin­gle prob­lem we face in the West­ern world is ulti­mate­ly a the­o­log­i­cal prob­lem, and every solu­tion to each prob­lem is a the­o­log­i­cal absolute.

What hap­pened to the liv­ing, pow­er­ful, trans­for­ma­tive, nation-shak­ing Chris­tian­i­ty that Jesus brought to our world? Some­thing dressed up to look like Chris­tian­i­ty is doing just fine here in Amer­i­ca, but can it pos­si­bly be the real thing? It cer­tain­ly resem­bles Chris­tian­i­ty, but most of the peo­ple I know sense that some­thing isn’t right. Cashiers say that the best way to rec­og­nize a coun­ter­feit dol­lar is not by study­ing coun­ter­feit dol­lars, but by get­ting to know the real thing well enough that you can eas­i­ly dis­cern the fake. Maybe that’s part of our prob­lem today. Maybe mem­bers of this present gen­er­a­tion who call them­selves “Chris­tians” real­ly believe they are Chris­tians, because they can’t rec­og­nize the coun­ter­feit.

When we look at his­to­ry, the West­ern church we see right now hard­ly resem­bles what it once was. In the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry, the twin evils of Com­mu­nism and Fas­cism slaugh­tered near­ly 200,000,000. Both forces are still attempt­ing to co-opt Chris­tian­i­ty to serve their goals. If this evil is still alive and active, why is it sel­dom addressed in most church­es today? Could it be that this evil is com­pro­mis­ing our church­es from the inside out? What if these forces are twist­ing the doc­trine that grew our great nation to suit its own pur­pos­es? This doc­u­men­tary will answer these ques­tions and pro­vide the the­o­log­i­cal solu­tion nec­es­sary to stop the destruc­tion of our beloved nation’s foun­da­tion: The Church.

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