
Max Luca­do Joins the Woke “Exiles in Baby­lon” Con­fer­ence

LBGT? Feminism? CRT? And more? What is Going On?

*This arti­cle con­tains mul­ti­ple cor­rec­tions intend­ed to pro­vide increased clar­i­ty, see the full note at the bot­tom

Why is Max Luca­do speak­ing at the 2024 Exiles in Baby­lon con­fer­ence? It’s the ques­tion we would love an answer to, though it seems the answer may not be a good one. We reached out to Max for an answer, but he has not respond­ed.

This sit­u­a­tion is even more prob­lem­at­ic in the wake of Andy Stan­ley’s Uncon­di­tion­al Con­fer­ence, which has, right­ful­ly, drawn more scruti­ny to church lead­ers flirt­ing with accept­ing homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in some form or anoth­er. So it makes it more con­cern­ing that Max would be no only join­ing the stage with peo­ple pro­mot­ing an aber­rant view of sex­u­al­i­ty, but even accept/use the term “trans­gen­der.” But what is the con­fer­ence, and is it tru­ly a prob­lem?

The Exiles in Baby­lon Con­fer­ence is an annu­al Chris­t­ian con­fer­ence host­ed by Pre­ston Sprin­kle in Boise. The pri­ma­ry top­ics it cov­ers are “LGBT” and “racial rec­on­cil­i­a­tion,” with this year addi­tion­al­ly cov­er­ing the top­ics of church & pol­i­tics and women, pow­er, and abuse.

We will briefly describe the issues here, but we pre­pared mini pro­files on a speak­er for each top­ic to allow you more details as to why this con­fer­ence is so con­cern­ing. Those pro­files are linked when each per­son is men­tioned, and addi­tion­al­ly at the bot­tom.

Pro­mo­tion of “LGBT” Chris­tian­i­ty

The first, and most obvi­ous, issue is in regards to their han­dling of sex­u­al­i­ty. More to the point, they pro­mote an aber­rant view of it. Now, it’s not open­ly affirm­ing, but it does cre­ate strange cat­e­gories that don’t exist Bib­li­cal­ly. This includes a speak­er who is a “trans­gen­der Chris­t­ian,” because that is “help­ful in describ­ing how she sees and expe­ri­ences the world.” Let us be clear, no mat­ter the strug­gles, temp­ta­tions, trau­mas, etc. you face/have expe­ri­enced, adopt­ing loaded, world­ly terms is not help­ful to you, or to oth­ers. That speak­er, Kat LaPrairie, will be talk­ing about “LGBT” peo­ple and the church. To be clear, Kat is a bio­log­i­cal female, uses they/them or (*she appears to have stopped using “they/them” over the past year or so. Still iden­ti­fies as trans­gen­der) she/her, and iden­ti­fies as trans­gen­der because of her “dis­con­nect between her body and inter­nal self.” She is not a bio­log­i­cal male. Yes, talk­ing about trans­gen­der indi­vid­u­als is con­fus­ing when it comes to being clear about who they are bio­log­i­cal­ly.

But she is not the only con­cern­ing speak­er address­ing that top­ic, and one that we find par­tic­u­lar­ly con­cern­ing is Art Pereira, a “celi­bate gay man” who has sought to sat­is­fy his desire for mar­riage and fam­i­ly by invent­ing a “cho­sen broth­er” rela­tion­ship where he and his straight friend have “formed a house­hold” togeth­er. They’ve com­mit­ted to main­tain­ing this odd rela­tion­ship even after the friend gets mar­ried. This may sound strange, or even con­fus­ing, so we encour­age you to read more, and hear from Art direct­ly in his mini pro­file.

This is just a taste to show that the con­fer­ence’s stance that homo­sex­u­al activ­i­ty is not accept­able, is no defense for their rad­i­cal­ly warped view of sex­u­al­i­ty. What they’re pro­mot­ing is a twist­ed form of bondage, rather than the free­dom that Christ brings.

Pro­mot­ing Decon­struc­tion

Yes, they’re not just talk­ing about decon­struc­tion, but we argue that they’re pro­mot­ing it. This comes from the fact that Joshua Har­ris will be speak­ing about decon­struc­tion. Joshua is famous for his book I Kissed Dat­ing Good­bye, but also for his divorc­ing his wife and reveal­ing he’s an athe­ist.

It may seem con­fus­ing why a Chris­t­ian con­fer­ence would have an athe­ist talk about decon­struc­tion, but maybe he is not hos­tile to Chris­tian­i­ty? The answer to that would be that he is hos­tile. He tried offer­ing a class to help peo­ple decon­struct and leave Chris­tian­i­ty, which includ­ed a “decon­struc­tion starter pack.”

Nev­er should a man like that be allowed to talk to Chris­tians about decon­struc­tion, unless the objec­tive is to pro­mote decon­struc­tion. His inclu­sion is either the deep­est igno­rance, or else he was picked for hav­ing the “lived expe­ri­ence” of decon­struc­tion. The out­come, either way, is that a man hos­tile to the faith is being giv­en a plat­form to tear down peo­ple’s faith.

*Update: in response to report­ing on the con­fer­ence, Joshua Har­ris has qui­et­ly stepped away. The points in this sec­tion remain, as the ques­tion of “why was this man invit­ed to talk with Chris­tians about decon­struc­tion?” remains.

Woke Speak­ers

What do we mean by “woke” in this con­text? Is it just that there are peo­ple who dis­agree with us on some points with regards to how peo­ple are treat­ed in the coun­try? Peo­ple that are just a bit to the left? No, and all you have to do is look into Chris But­ler and Tiffany Bluhm.

Chris But­ler is a Demo­c­rat, no, not sim­ply by vot­ing, but ran for con­gress as a Demo­c­rat. In addi­tion he was a com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­er for Oba­ma’s 2004 con­gres­sion­al cam­paign. Polit­i­cal­ly, which is impor­tant, as that is what he’s speak­ing on, he has pushed ideas such as social­ism in the forms of a uni­ver­sal basic income and uni­ver­sal health­care, as well as sup­port­ing leg­is­la­tion for “LGBT rights.”

Chris also push­es ideas of sys­temic oppres­sion based on skin col­or, push­ing the nar­ra­tive that Amer­i­ca is a racist coun­try. He’s even writ­ten a book pro­mot­ing the idea for the pro­gres­sive “And Cam­paign.” That is a point where Tiffany Bluhm agrees with him, yet she takes it fur­ther by adding sys­temic oppres­sion of women to the sins of Amer­i­ca.

To say that Tiffany sim­ply is a fem­i­nist would be unfair to her own terms. In the descrip­tion of her “Resister­hood” cohort (class) she clar­i­fies that it’s not sim­ply fem­i­nism, but wom­en’s lib­er­a­tion that she believes in. Women are not just suf­fer­ing from some imbal­ances in soci­ety, but need to be lib­er­at­ed from the patri­archy that is using its pow­er and priv­i­lege to oppress women. Is this read­ing into her view? No, she makes this clear in her writ­ing and speak­ing, in addi­tion to bring­ing in a “crit­i­cal schol­ar” to talk to her cohort about “transna­tion­al fem­i­nism.” To be clear, we are not adding terms here, these are the terms she is using.

Why is Max there?

We arrive back at the ques­tion we start­ed with, why is Max there? One of the largest con­cerns on Max’s end, is that he has already part­nered with a hereti­cal, pro sex­u­al devian­cy orga­ni­za­tion in the He Gets Us Cam­paign, pro­duc­ing a book for them. Some seri­ous ques­tions need to be asked of Max, and Max needs to answer those ques­tions with unam­bigu­ous clar­i­ty. No Chris­t­ian should be toy­ing with, part­ner­ing with, pro­mot­ing, assist­ing, the things that he now is. We call on any­one that knows Max to hold him account­able, and for Max to do four things.

  • Admit you have erred, and pub­licly take respon­si­bil­i­ty for join­ing this con­fer­ence
  • Pub­licly acknowl­edge what is prob­lem­at­ic about the con­fer­ence
  • Unequiv­o­cal­ly and pub­licly con­demn the errors of the con­fer­ence
  • To live con­sis­tent­ly with that repen­tance, includ­ing fol­low­ing the same repen­tant steps with regards to He Gets Us as well.

Until that hap­pens, we must warn peo­ple to steer clear of a teacher that can­not see the wild errors he’s part­ner­ing with, or poten­tial­ly does see them. Stick close to Christ.

*We decid­ed to makes some updates and cor­rec­tions. The rea­sons include new infor­ma­tion, changes in con­fer­ence atten­dees, and pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al clar­i­ty. Most changes are not­ed in the arti­cle, but unnot­ed changes include the arti­cle title and addi­tion­al expla­na­tions in the para­graph about Kat LaPrairie.

Kyle Whitt

Kyle Whitt and his family reside in beautiful Northern Idaho where he serves his local church by leading college ministry, assisting local planting efforts, and building connections with other local churches. Kyle was formerly involved with church planting in the SBC's North American Mission Board until he removed himself and called out blatantly false teaching about the gospel.

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