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Do Satanists Have a “Right” to Dis­play Demon­ic Idols in the Iowa Capi­tol? One Pas­tor Says Yes

Pas­tor Jon Dun­well Bell­ring­ing for the (woke) Sal­va­tion Army (left) Satan­ic dis­play at the Iowa Capi­tol (right)

In ear­ly Decem­ber the Satan­ic Tem­ple of Iowa put up a “hol­i­day” dis­play in the Iowa state capi­tol. This has gar­nered the atten­tion of some of the biggest names in the state and in the nation. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds put out an offi­cial state­ment call­ing the dis­play “objec­tion­able”

“Like many Iowans, I find the Satan­ic Temple’s dis­play in the Capi­tol absolute­ly objec­tion­able. In a free soci­ety, the best response to objec­tion­able speech is more speech, and I encour­age all those of faith to join me today in pray­ing over the Capi­tol and rec­og­niz­ing the nativ­i­ty scene that will be on dis­play – the true rea­son for the sea­son.”

Gov. Kim Reynolds, 12–12-23 Press Release

Pres­i­den­tial hope­ful Gov. Ron DeSan­tis of Flori­da even weighed in on the con­tro­ver­sy by plac­ing blame on the Trump admin­is­tra­tion:

“So It’s inter­est­ing, I heard this and then I was like, ‘Well how did it get there? Is that even a reli­gion?’ And lo and behold, the Trump Admin­is­tra­tion gave them approval to be under the IRS as a reli­gion. So that gave them the legal abil­i­ty to poten­tial­ly do it.”

Ron DeSan­tis, Com­ments on Satan­ic Dis­play

What has caught our eye at EWTC News is that Iowa Pas­tor and State House Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jon Dun­well has come to the defense of the Satan­ic idol in the name of “reli­gious free­dom” and Amer­i­can­ism. Dun­well, who rep­re­sents Iowa’s 38th dis­trict, has made a slew of social media posts on X defend­ing the Satan­ic Tem­ple of Iowa’s “right” to dis­play this blas­phe­mous idol.

We sug­gest this clip from our recent pod­cast cov­er­ing the Satan­ic dis­play

What is a right? The sim­ple def­i­n­i­tion is:

  1. Adjec­tive
    • Con­form­ing with or con­formable to jus­tice, law, or moral­i­ty.
    • In accor­dance with fact, rea­son, or truth; cor­rect.
    • Fit­ting, prop­er, or appro­pri­ate.
  2. Noun
    • That which is just, moral, or prop­er.

It is hard to find a def­i­n­i­tion that match­es Dun­well’s stance. The dis­play is not just, moral, fac­tu­al, rea­son­able, truth­ful, cor­rect, fit­ting, prop­er, or appro­pri­ate. The only argu­ment is “law­ful,” but that assumes that a law, or its appli­ca­tion, does not have to con­form to jus­tice, moral­i­ty, etc.

That has not been lost on peo­ple, espe­cial­ly oth­er Chris­tians. Because of this, Dun­well has received a great deal of push­back by Chris­tians. In response Dun­well expressed his dis­ap­point­ment and com­mits to not back­down from defend­ing the “free­dom” of the Satanists to pub­licly dis­play a Satan­ic idol because he is a fol­low­er of Christ.

Dun­well open­ly defends the dis­play, and his rea­son­ing is that defend­ing it is lov­ing oth­ers and build­ing Christ’s King­dom. It should be not­ed that Christ com­mands us to love oth­ers enough to speak the truth to them, not sup­port their lies. Christ’s King­dom is also not built up by dis­play­ing shrines to demons. As Dun­well con­tin­ues to dou­ble down on defend­ing Satanism, ETWC News wants to reas­sure all of its fol­low­ers we are com­mit­ted to only sup­port­ing and defend­ing what God has declared right­eous.

UPDATE: the dis­play has been destroyed by an upset Chris­t­ian

Sam Jones

Pastor Sam Jones currently serves multiple churches by filling pulpit under the ministry of Cornerstone World Outreach. He resides in Sioux City, Iowa with the love of his life Sarah and their two sons Thomas and Henry. He is most known for his teachings on the 4 spheres of delegated government and being a voice for the pre-born.

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