
Crit­i­cal Ter­ror­ist Theory—the Social Jus­tice Craze Sweep­ing the Church

Set­ting The Scene

I will nev­er for­get Octo­ber 9, 2023. It was a sun­ny day in Michi­gan, and I was just fin­ish­ing a day of work when I tuned into the Ben Shapiro Show enti­tled “The Face of Absolute Evil.” Noth­ing could have pre­pared me for what I was about to see. Shapiro decid­ed to show videos of the Octo­ber 7 attack on this episode, so that view­ers would under­stand what evil looks like. To the day I die, I will for­ev­er be haunt­ed of the images I saw, includ­ing men and women lying in a pool of their own blood after being shot dead, a live man’s head being hacked off with a spade while the killer screamed, “Allahu Akbar!”, and numer­ous oth­er sim­i­lar acts of ter­ror. The Octo­ber 7 mas­sacre result­ed in the death of over 1200 Israelis, 240 kid­napped, and untold vic­tims of rape and tor­ture at the hands of the Hamas ter­ror group.

Mean­while, for cen­turies, the rad­i­cal left—the ‘woke,’ Cul­tur­al Marxists—have like­wise had a pen­chant for vio­lence. In this per­spec­tive, the world is com­prised of oppres­sors and oppressed. The “oppres­sors” are peo­ple who believe in West­ern val­ues, par­tic­u­lar­ly Amer­i­cans and Euro­pean “set­tlers” who have “col­o­nized” the world with Judeo-Chris­t­ian val­ues. The “oppressed” are those who reject these val­ues, and are all some­how exploit­ed by the West. The left cre­ates this nar­ra­tive by exploit­ing mis­takes Amer­i­ca and Europe have made in their his­to­ry, such as slav­ery and var­i­ous atroc­i­ties, and using those to claim that West­ern val­ues are only these mis­takes, and noth­ing more. They ignore the bless­ings of lib­er­ty West­ern val­ues have brought to the world, such as prop­er­ty rights, the com­mon law jus­tice sys­tem, and mit­i­gat­ing pover­ty through free mar­kets.

Nev­er­the­less, from the 20th cen­tu­ry to today, left­ists have held this reduc­tion­is­tic view of the world, and it has wreaked hav­oc in Amer­i­can soci­ety. Among the most influ­en­tial poster boys for this world­view is Crit­i­cal The­o­rist and Post­mod­ernist Jean Paul Sartre, who wrote in his pref­ace to Frantz Fanon’s “The Wretched of the Earth”,

I think we under­stood this truth at one time, but we have for­got­ten it–that no gen­tle­ness can efface the marks of vio­lence; only vio­lence itself can destroy [West­ern­ers]. The native cures him­self of colo­nial neu­ro­sis by thrust­ing out the set­tler through force of arms.”

Sartre con­tends that since oppressed “natives” have been “col­o­nized” by the west, vio­lence is jus­ti­fied to over­throw the West­ern cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem.

When we apply this ide­ol­o­gy to the Octo­ber 7, we can see how the rad­i­cal left has jus­ti­fied the bloody attack on inno­cent civil­ians. Israel is a Jew­ish cul­ture con­tain­ing many of the same Bib­li­cal, West­ern val­ues as Amer­i­ca. There­fore, it is an oppres­sor. By con­trast, Gaza is an Islam­ic ter­ri­to­ry which seeks the erad­i­ca­tion of Jews and ulti­mate­ly, the West. There­fore, it is an oppressed vic­tim. With all the nuances and com­plex­i­ties of this con­flict, Crit­i­cal The­o­rists reduce their analy­sis to this sim­ple dichoto­my. This explains their jus­ti­fi­ca­tion of the hor­rors of Hamas’ attack on Jews. In sum­ma­ry, we call this view of the con­flict Crit­i­cal Ter­ror­ist The­o­ry (CTT), because it applies the same oppres­sor-oppressed dynam­ic in Crit­i­cal The­o­ry (‘wok­e­ness’) that Sartre espous­es, to the tur­moil in the mid­dle-east.

CTT has reared its ugly head in Amer­i­ca recent­ly, but the shock­ing thing is that has arisen even in the church. This arti­cle will high­light sev­er­al key instances in which false teach­ers in the church have employed CTT to jus­ti­fy the Octo­ber 7 attack. We will addi­tion­al­ly look at the tac­tics they uti­lize to per­suade audi­ences, as well as the hid­den agen­da behind the inflam­ma­to­ry rhetoric.

I want you to think about some­thing as we explore CTT. What about about all the peo­ple groups that Islam­ic Arabs oppress? Or have even oblit­er­at­ed? Why do they not qual­i­fy for the same treat­ment that CTT gives to Arabs? Could it be that there’s some kind of agen­da that those peo­ple do not fit?

Com­pas­sion for Ter­ror Sym­pa­thiz­ers

The first exam­ple comes from Brad Bull of pro­gres­sive “Chris­t­ian” news out­let Bap­tist News Glob­al, in which Bull cre­at­ed a list of ques­tions to ask your pas­tor regard­ing ser­mons in your local church about the Israel-‘Palestine’ con­flict. Let’s ignore the ques­tion of Bull plac­ing him­self above peo­ple’s local pas­tors, and look at one of the many trou­bling ques­tions he asks include,

In the 30 or so min­utes of the time-lim­it­ed mes­sage, if the word ‘Pales­tin­ian’ was used at all in an expres­sion of com­pas­sion, was it said more often than crit­i­cism of ‘woke’ pol­i­tics. (Yes / No)”

Accord­ing to Bull, if the answer is “no,” then that is prob­lem­at­ic. For him, pas­tors should be sym­pa­thiz­ing with ‘Pales­tini­ans’ more than they are crit­i­ciz­ing the ‘woke’ for down­play­ing these atroc­i­ties, which as we will see they have done repeat­ed­ly. Inter­est­ing­ly enough, he is right to place oppo­si­tion to “woke pol­i­tics” as an oppo­site of sup­port­ing Gazans. Glad to see him in favor of my idea of call­ing it CTT.

While it is right to have com­pas­sion for inno­cent Gazans who oppose Hamas’ bar­barism, it is also impor­tant to be hon­est in these kinds of con­ver­sa­tions. In a 2021 poll from the Pales­tin­ian Cen­ter for Pol­i­cy and Sur­vey Research, they found that 53% of ‘Pales­tini­ans’ (unclear what the dis­tri­b­u­tions between Gazans and those in the West Bank) thought that Hamas is “most deserv­ing of rep­re­sent­ing and lead­ing the Pales­tin­ian peo­ple.” This poll was tak­en after Hamas had tyr­an­nized Gaza, leav­ing most of its inhab­i­tants poor, and after they had com­mit­ted sev­er­al ter­ror attacks against Israeli civil­ians. Bull fails to explain why pas­tors must express “com­pas­sion” (with­out explain­ing what that means) for major­i­ty Hamas-sym­pa­thiz­ing Gazans (and per­haps ‘Pales­tini­ans’ in gen­er­al) more often than crit­i­ciz­ing the ‘woke’ for their delib­er­ate white­wash­ing of the blood­bath that took place on Octo­ber 7. This seems like an arbi­trary stan­dard meant to, at best, pro­mote a nar­ra­tive that cre­ates a moral equiv­a­lence between Israel and ‘Pales­tine.’ More­over, Bull does this with­out qual­i­fy­ing the dis­tinc­tion between pro-Hamas and Hamas-vic­tim­ized Gazans. But it gets worse.

Octo­ber 7 is Israel’s Fault

 In the same arti­cle, Bull con­tin­ues to down­play Hamas atroc­i­ties and con­demn Israel’s fail­ures, real or per­ceived. With­in the com­bat­ive line of ques­tion­ing Bull says con­gre­gants are sup­posed to use to inter­ro­gate their pas­tors about their preach­ing on Israel, he sug­gests the fol­low­ing ques­tion:

Since you did go polit­i­cal, let me ask you this: If we ignore the way Israel abus­es the human rights and ter­ri­to­ry of Pales­tini­ans, doesn’t that just help rad­i­cal­ize ter­ror­ists and put more inno­cent peo­ple in harm’s way? Are you pre­pared to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for unnec­es­sar­i­ly foment­ing vio­lence rather than pro­mot­ing peace?”

*dis­agree­ing with your pas­tor is fine, but nev­er talk to him like this… in fact, nev­er talk to any­one like this

These ques­tions are loaded with sev­er­al unspo­ken assump­tions designed to per­suade the read­er of claims that have not been sup­port­ed with any evi­dence. These assump­tions are as fol­lows: (1) Israel is a rou­tine abuser of human rights; (2) this abuse gives Hamas jus­ti­fi­ca­tion to rape, mur­der, and kid­nap; (3) if pas­tors don’t agree with assump­tions 1 and 2, then they are “foment­ing vio­lence rather than pro­mot­ing peace.”

These three pre­sup­po­si­tions have no basis in fact. While indi­vid­ual Israelis sure­ly have done bad things and Israel may have com­mit­ted some ‘human rights abus­es’ since its incep­tion in 1948, Israeli forces have nev­er snuck into Gaza to delib­er­ate­ly tar­get inno­cent civil­ians. Fur­ther­more, as Ben Shapiro of the Dai­ly Wire has observed regard­ing Hamas,

They under­stand the West­ern press pre­tends there is some sort of moral equiv­a­lence between a Hamas ter­ror­ist rid­ing into a kib­butz and behead­ing a child and Israel attempt­ing to min­i­mize civil­ian casu­al­ties on the Gaza Strip and fail­ing because Hamas is hid­ing behind chil­dren.”

How­ev­er, even if we accept­ed the belief that Israel is a rou­tine human rights abuser for the sake of argu­ment, that would still not even remote­ly jus­ti­fy the dis­gust­ing actions of Hamas. For this rea­son, Bull’s attempt to draw a moral equiv­a­lence between Hamas and Israel is uncon­scionable and heart­less.

Israel = Oppres­sor; Pales­tine = Oppressed

This is not the only time Bap­tist News Glob­al has thrown shade on Israel while paint­ing an oppres­sor-oppressed nar­ra­tive in the Israel-‘Palestine’ con­flict. In anoth­er recent arti­cle, Bob Roberts claims the fol­low­ing regard­ing the ‘Pales­tini­ans:’

They are peo­ple who’ve lived in an oppressed state and every­body who can leave has pret­ty much left. …although we’ve acknowl­edged the injus­tices of the Jews, we have failed to acknowl­edge the injus­tices to the Pales­tini­ans.”

In true Crit­i­cal Ter­ror­ist The­o­ry fash­ion, Roberts makes the vague claim that ‘Pales­tini­ans’ are oppressed recip­i­ents of injus­tice. He does this with­out defin­ing what he means by “oppressed state,” who is doing the oppress­ing, what is the injus­tice ‘Pales­tini­ans’ have faced at the hands of Israel, nor any evi­dence of this oppres­sion and injus­tice. It may be use­ful to look hon­est­ly at some blun­ders Israel has made his­tor­i­cal­ly while deal­ing with ‘Pales­tini­ans,’ but with­out proof or def­i­n­i­tions, this arti­cle gives the sense that Roberts wants the audi­ence to see ‘Pales­tine’ as oppressed, and Israel as oppres­sors with very lit­tle nuance or con­text.

When one con­tin­ues read­ing, this oppres­sion lens becomes more appar­ent. For instance, Roberts moral­ly pon­tif­i­cates on the just­ness of the war fol­low­ing Octo­ber 7:

I don’t want to stand before God one day with thou­sands of lit­tle chil­dren that were blown to smithereens and say it was a just war.”

Here, Roberts pre­sup­pos­es that Israel’s war with Hamas is not just because he dis­agrees with some of the meth­ods Israel has employed in the war. First­ly, the meth­ods used can be a cause for debate, but a good-faith debate would acknowl­edge that Hamas is using its own cit­i­zens as human shields in mul­ti­ple ways, such as by keep­ing civil­ians in places where the IDF fore­warns that a bomb is com­ing, and by oper­at­ing their head­quar­ters direct­ly under­neath a hos­pi­tal. Roberts fails to men­tion this and unqual­i­fied­ly con­demns Israel for blow­ing “thou­sands of lit­tle chil­dren” to “smithereens” with­out plac­ing any blame on Hamas for putting these chil­dren in that sit­u­a­tion.

Sec­ond­ly, deter­min­ing whether the war itself is just does not depend on what tac­tics are used, but on whether the pre­cip­i­tat­ing event that caused the war jus­ti­fies the war. As we’ve seen, Octo­ber 7 result­ed in mas­sive blood­shed and unspeak­able cru­el­ty in Israel. To say that respond­ing with a war on Hamas is not jus­ti­fied with­out rea­son betrays a remark­able hubris and lack of seri­ous thought on the mat­ter. If Roberts does not believe a war is a just response in this instance, then what atroc­i­ty would be severe enough to war­rant Hamas’s erad­i­ca­tion? Once again, Roberts pro­vides no answer, only con­dem­na­tion for Israel.

Prais­ing Hamas

Bap­tist News glob­al is not the only so-called “Chris­t­ian” news out­let spread­ing this kind of anti­se­mit­ic bile. Good Faith Media has joined the unholy cho­rus of dem­a­goguery in its sto­ry about the after­math of Octo­ber 7. call­ing the attack “lam­en­ta­ble but inevitable.” Self-pro­claimed “pas­tor” and author of this arti­cle, Wen­dell Grif­f­en, claims that

“Hamas exposed the fol­ly and moral luna­cy of the 75-year U.S.-European-led diplo­mat­ic, mil­i­tary, intel­li­gence, cul­tur­al strat­e­gy con­cern­ing the Israeli-Pales­tin­ian con­flict.”

With no words of con­dem­na­tion for this ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion, Grif­f­en prais­es Hamas for expos­ing the sup­posed moral fool­ish­ness of west­ern civ­i­liza­tion. It is hard to believe that a man who calls him­self a pas­tor could say some­thing so heinous in light of the bar­bar­i­ty Hamas sub­ject­ed Israel to, and that this arti­cle was writ­ten in response to said atroc­i­ty.

Grif­f­en goes on to dis­play his adher­ence to CTT by blam­ing “white peo­ple” for the Israel-Hamas war:

“Ratio­nal peo­ple under­stand that when oppres­sion can­not be stopped by non­vi­o­lent means, peo­ple will even­tu­al­ly turn to vio­lent means to do so. How­ev­er, the pre­rog­a­tive of moral vio­lence has always been con­sid­ered the exclu­sive right of white peo­ple. Israel fol­lowed the lead of oth­er white impe­ri­al­ists and col­o­niz­ers since the west­ern Chris­t­ian Church estab­lished the idol­a­trous and blas­phe­mous 15th-cen­tu­ry Doc­trine of Dis­cov­ery. 

The key dif­fer­ence is that Zion­ist zealotry—rather than Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary zealotry— is the excuse giv­en for Israeli impe­ri­al­ism and colo­nial­ism in Pales­tine. Israeli Zion­ist impe­ri­al­ism and colo­nial­ism and Euro-Amer­i­can impe­ri­al­ism and colo­nial­ism are mere­ly dif­fer­ent sides of the same white suprema­cist hate­ful faith coin…The his­to­ry of pro-Israeli sen­ti­ment in this soci­ety is deep and strong. I attribute some of it to racism.”

*this is your dai­ly reminder that ‘white’ has noth­ing to do with col­or, as Arabs and Israelis are relat­ed and cov­er the same skin tones, but it is about ide­ol­o­gy. White=the oppres­sor. The oppressor=historically Jew­ish and Chris­t­ian, “West­ern” nations, with “West” itself also not adher­ing to what the word implies

One can see the oppres­sor-oppressed pow­er dynam­ics inher­ent in Crit­i­cal The­o­ry preva­lent in these para­graphs. Through this lens, Grif­f­en makes unsub­stan­ti­at­ed state­ments that jus­ti­fy Hamas’s attack. The first premise is that “white peo­ple” are oppres­sors who desire to hold a monop­oly on killing non­whites, while expect­ing non­whites not to fight back. The sec­ond premise is that non­whites and peo­ple from non-West­ern coun­tries are all vic­tims of cir­cum­stance with no moral agency, who are mere­ly react­ing to their envi­ron­ment. This leads to the con­clu­sion that mur­der­ing, kid­nap­ping, and rap­ing women, chil­dren, and babies is some­how “ratio­nal,” and that oppo­si­tion to these mur­ders is “racist.” Again, not only are these claims out­landish­ly vio­lent, but they are also made with­out the slight­est attempt to prove their truth with evi­dence. They are assumed in advance, intend­ed to be believed by the gullible and those who already agree. This kind of dis­gust­ing rhetoric epit­o­mizes what the prophet Isa­iah refers to as “call­ing evil good and good evil.”

The Agen­da Behind the Façade

One may won­der what is the goal of such blood­thirsty, anti­se­mit­ic, and may I bor­row a term they like: racist speech? Pro­fessed “Chris­t­ian” and ene­my with­in the church, Dante Stew­art, gives us a hint in his tweet on the issue:

“The bonds of colo­nial pow­ers at work in world are break­ing. The globe needs to be lib­er­at­ed from empire.”

In the back­drop of this tweet are pro­test­ers wav­ing ‘Pales­tin­ian’ flags in sol­i­dar­i­ty against Israel. As we have seen in the pre­vi­ous quotes, as well as here, CTT views every­thing from the lens of oppres­sion and pow­er. Stew­art is no excep­tion, as his world­view demands that Israel be an oppres­sor, sim­ply by the fact that it is a nation with more pow­er and resources than sur­round­ing Arab nations. In the end, his goal is oblit­er­a­tion of Amer­i­ca, Europe, and Israel, because he hates west­ern val­ues and every­thing it stands for. This is iron­ic, giv­en the fact that the West is large­ly built on a Bib­li­cal foun­da­tion, and Stew­art pre­tends to fol­low Christ. Nev­er­the­less, this point of view is among the most potent cos­mic pow­ers of dark­ness fac­ing the church in the present age. We must stand firm on the word of God in the face of this immi­nent and grow­ing threat.

Want more? We talked about “Crit­i­cal Ter­ror­ist The­o­ry” in a more broad sense on our pod­cast

Jordan Smith

Jordan is a board certified attorney. He and his wife live in the Greater Detroit region. Jordan serves EWTCN as social media lead, as well as doing writing and research.

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