
Rise of the Pink Cardi­gan Pas­tors

The Link Between Freedom and Virtue

“Only a vir­tu­ous peo­ple are capa­ble of free­dom. As nations become cor­rupt and vicious, they have more need of mas­ters.”- Ben­jamin Franklin 

Amer­i­ca was found­ed as a free coun­try. We still like to call it a free coun­try, but as our virtue wanes our lib­er­ties are being stripped from us one by one. As Ben­jamin Franklin stat­ed in the afore­men­tioned quote, only a vir­tu­ous peo­ple are capa­ble of free­dom. Virtue and free­dom are linked, they are joined at the hip, and as Amer­i­ca becomes more and more moral­ly cor­rupt our free­doms will con­tin­ue to van­ish away. 

Amer­i­ca has slow­ly but sure­ly sur­ren­dered indi­vid­u­al’s rights over the years. The free­dom of speech has been replaced with the rhetoric of hate speech, life has been stripped away as the wor­shipers of Moloch have made Planned Par­ent­hood their new tem­ple, and the right to per­son­al con­vic­tion has been defeat­ed with the cries of “Bake the cake big­ot!” All of these loss­es of free­doms are direct­ly tied to an accep­tance of iniq­ui­ty and a rejec­tion of virtue. 

The great­est loss of lib­er­ty that Amer­i­ca has felt is in the pul­pits of her church­es. This loss of lib­er­ty is a super­fi­cial one, but has been the most effec­tive in decay­ing our nation’s virtue. What we have lost in the pul­pit is the free­dom of speech, or at least that has been the per­cep­tion among preach­ers. For fear of los­ing their tax-exempt sta­tus preach­ers have rel­e­gat­ed their ser­mons to abstract doc­trines that may make their con­gre­ga­tion big-head­ed but does noth­ing to make their hearts holy. Virtue and free­dom are joined at the hip and this leads to only one con­clu­sion, our pul­pits have lost their virtue. 

Con­trary to pop­u­lar belief, Amer­i­ca was not forged on a bat­tle­field or at the table of pol­i­tics. Amer­i­ca was sparked by the pul­pits and great pas­tors who kin­dled the fire of a vir­tu­ous rev­o­lu­tion by encour­ag­ing their peo­ple to sub­mit to the high­er author­i­ty and appeal to heav­en. The great and vir­tu­ous preach­ers of that time became known as The Black Robed Reg­i­ment. This Black Robed Reg­i­ment was marked by men such as Peter Muh­len­berg and Jonathan May­hew. These were mighty men of the pul­pit and mighty men of action. Rev. Muh­len­berg led the 8th Vir­ginia Reg­i­ment, many of whom were mem­bers of his church. From Rev. Mayhew’s pul­pit you could hear state­ments like these: 

“Peo­ple are not usu­al­ly deprived of their lib­er­ties all at once, but grad­u­al­ly, by one  encroach­ment after anoth­er, as it is found they are dis­posed to bear them.” 

“Com­mon tyrants, and pub­lic oppres­sors, are not enti­tled to obe­di­ence from their sub­jects, by virtue of any thing here (Romans 13:1–7) laid down by the inspired apos­tle.”

“Tyran­ny brings igno­rance and bru­tal­i­ty with it. It degrades men from their just rank into the class of brutes; it damps their spir­its; it sup­press­es art; it extin­guish­es every spark of noble ardor and gen­eros­i­ty in the breasts of those who are enslaved by it; it makes nat­u­ral­ly strong and great minds fee­ble and lit­tle, and tri­umphs over the ruins of virtue and human­i­ty.”

“Till peo­ple find them­selves great­ly abused and oppressed by their gov­er­nors, they are not apt to com­plain; and when­ev­er they do, in fact, find them­selves thus abused and oppressed, they must be stu­pid not to com­plain.”

A nation’s virtue will always be tied to the for­ti­tude of her pul­pits. Where strong pul­pits reside there will be a moral and vir­tu­ous peo­ple. Where weak pul­pits set up shop, a nation will expe­ri­ence moral cor­rup­tion and an absence of virtue. It is impos­si­ble for a pul­pit to stand against the wiles of the dev­il if the preach­er has forged his own chains by the name of 501(c)(3). When a pas­tor goes to a tax code to see what he can or can­not preach the dev­il has already won the bat­tle, because that pas­tor has sub­mit­ted him­self to the fear of man and thrown out the fear of God alto­geth­er. 

Today in Amer­i­can pul­pits you will be hard pressed to find any resem­blance of the Black Robed Reg­i­ment. Instead you will find a Pink Cardi­gan Brigade. Where our pul­pits once blazed with pas­sion for right­eous­ness and sub­mis­sion to God alone, you will now hear mes­sages of com­pro­mise and world­li­ness. The Pink Cardi­gan Brigade will give lec­tures on envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice (the wor­ship of cre­ation instead of the Cre­ator), racial repa­ra­tions (the impu­ta­tion of sin to redis­trib­ute wealth and silence the nations major­i­ty), and the plea to be silent on the mas­sacre of mil­lions of babies. It is no won­der we have lost our virtue and by it are los­ing our free­dom. 

For Amer­i­ca there is good news! The prob­lem we have incurred over the past few gen­er­a­tions is fix­able. To fix the prob­lem we need vir­tu­ous pas­tors once more! We need pas­tors who do not look to a tax code to see what they are allowed to preach, but rather turn to God Almighty to see what He would have them pro­claim when they enter into the pul­pit. We need pas­tors who are will­ing to preach more than just abstract doc­trines and world­ly rhetoric. We need pas­tors who will pro­claim what the Bible says to the issues our world faces, even if the Bible’s answer isn’t polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect. 

For the Amer­i­can peo­ple to regain and main­tain their free­doms we must have pas­tors throw off their pink cardi­gans and once more place upon them­selves the black robes worn by their ances­tors. As a rev­o­lu­tion marked by free­dom had to start in the vir­tu­ous pul­pits so preser­va­tion of that free­dom must con­tin­ue in vir­tu­ous pul­pits. Where the pul­pits lead the peo­ple will fol­low. 

Where are the vir­tu­ous pas­tors today? Will they speak to and lead the peo­ple once more to virtue? Will the pas­tors today lead our nation to free­dom by way of virtue or will they ensure slav­ery by refus­ing to speak out? 

Our nation has one path to main­tain its free­dom and that is through virtue. After all, Scrip­ture is clear, “Right­eous­ness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any peo­ple.” Proverbs 14:34

Sam Jones

Pastor Sam Jones currently serves multiple churches by filling pulpit under the ministry of Cornerstone World Outreach. He resides in Sioux City, Iowa with the love of his life Sarah and their two sons Thomas and Henry. He is most known for his teachings on the 4 spheres of delegated government and being a voice for the pre-born.

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