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Now Bird Names are Racist?

70-80 Birds are Being Renamed

Yes, the title is cor­rect, now bird names are racist and must be changed in order to make peo­ple feel more wel­come and not feel pain. Bird names can now hurt you. Bird names… That’s where we’re at in 2023. For those who may think that “wok­e­ness” is dead, or at least not a big deal any­more, this should serve as a potent exam­ple to the con­trary.

Speak­ing to NPR for their arti­cle on the top­ic, Eri­ca Nol, the chair for the com­mit­tee that made this dis­cis­sion, said:

The mem­ber­ship was care­ful­ly cho­sen to reflect broad per­spec­tives. And it real­ly did. We all came to the deci­sion in our own way and over time and quite slow­ly, actu­al­ly, because the final deci­sion is fair­ly rad­i­cal.”

What is the offend­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic of the names that would dri­ve peo­ple to be so hurt, offend­ed, and not “feel wel­comed” that a “fair­ly rad­i­cal” deci­sion had to be made? Who were the peo­ple they were named for, and what despi­ca­ble, mon­strous deeds must they have com­mit­ted? Nol elab­o­rates for us:

They’re impor­tant for the peo­ple who watch birds and the com­mu­ni­ties who may or may not feel very wel­come, if all the birds are named after these old Euro­pean ornithol­o­gists.

That’s right, the offence is that they’re Euro­pean. Ornithol­o­gists (bird sci­en­tists) want to rename birds that hon­or those that pio­neered their field, sim­ply because of the con­ti­nent they were from. I though that kind of big­otry is what they claim to be against? That, though, is the point, it isn’t about equal treat­ment, not being big­ot­ed, or not show­ing par­tial­i­ty, but is about the rev­o­lu­tion. Again, this should show you how far the rev­o­lu­tion has reached, that not even the birds are safe.

AUTHORS NOTE: We don’t always report on nonchurch issues, but this one was a per­fect com­bi­na­tion of ridicu­lous and a being a potent exam­ple of how far and wide “wok­e­ness” has spread. It should also give us in the church pause when we hear some­one bring up renam­ing things.

Kyle Whitt

Kyle Whitt and his family reside in beautiful Northern Idaho where he serves his local church by leading college ministry, assisting local planting efforts, and building connections with other local churches. Kyle was formerly involved with church planting in the SBC's North American Mission Board until he removed himself and called out blatantly false teaching about the gospel.

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