Podcast Tie-ins

A Response to SBC Voic­es Bizarre Crit­i­cism of Ene­mies With­in the Church

Providing Evidence is Not Manipulation Used to Gain Power… but Not Providing Evidence usually Is

We don’t respond to every bit of crit­i­cism or attack made against us, espe­cial­ly not by mak­ing an arti­cle and pod­cast, but this one seemed worth a response. Dave Miller is the edi­tor of SBC Voic­es, an online opin­ion plat­form from which var­i­ous SBC lead­ers and per­son­al­i­ties get their mes­sages out. Dave is the for­mer pas­tor of South­ern Hills Bap­tist Church in Sioux City, Iowa (the SBV Voic­es bio is a year or two out of date). In an arti­cle recent­ly pub­lished at SBC Voic­es, Rev. Miller starts off

“There is no short­age of voic­es in the SBC [South­ern Bap­tist Con­ven­tion] claim­ing that the end is near, that we bal­ance on a precipice over the pit of destruc­tion. I believe most of those voic­es are mis­tak­en – some out of igno­rance and oth­ers will­ful­ly. Most of the “ene­mies with­in the church” they warn us about are bogey­men designed to manip­u­late us into action, so that they can gain and main­tain pow­er.”

Rev. Miller, we pro­vide evi­dence for our claims, what about you? And no, it is not a coin­ci­dence that Dave Miller uses the phrase “ene­mies with­in the church” as he does, because Sioux City, Iowa, is the home of Ene­mies With­in the Church, as well as the home of Rev. Miller. Rev. Miller, if you have a fact-based issue with us, or our con­tent, then we are man enough for you to state that clear­ly and direct­ly. Fur­ther, if you become aware of this (and we are active­ly try­ing to con­tact you), we want to invite you onto The Woke­pe­dia Pod­cast to dis­cuss the facts when it comes to woke ide­olo­gies in the SBC. Please con­tact us at contactwokepedia@gmail.com

Why do we men­tion facts and evi­dence? Because Miller’s arti­cle is devoid of any ver­i­fi­able facts or ref­er­ences. This is very hyp­o­crit­i­cal when a sig­nif­i­cant thrust of the arti­cle is the ever pop­u­lar idea of “uni­ty.” How is attack­ing peo­ple who raise con­cerns, while pro­vid­ing no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion, a path to uni­ty? Or delet­ing dis­sent­ing com­ments, includ­ing our com­ment invit­ing you to dia­log with us? 

Rev. Miller is wrong about the con­di­tion of the SBC, and he is wrong about those who are sound­ing warn­ings to South­ern Bap­tists about ene­mies with­in the church. Now the pur­pose of this response is not to refute his asser­tions, that is han­dled well in oth­er resources, many of which are linked below. 

So if he doesn’t see wok­e­ness as a real thing in the SBC, what does he think is wrong with the SBC? 

There is a grow­ing unwill­ing­ness to coop­er­ate in mis­sions with church­es and fel­low believ­ers unless they are in near-unan­i­mous agree­ment on ter­tiary issues.”

Now to be fair, the SBC does have a fair amount of that, which is not sur­pris­ing giv­en its size and its inten­tion­al­ly vague con­fes­sion­al doc­u­ment. By no means is that the biggest threat to the SBC right now. But what does he think is a “ter­tiary issue”? Well, a sim­ple look at his, and oth­ers, arti­cles on SBC Voic­es and it becomes clear that things such as CRT fall into that camp. This includes bring­ing in a guest writer to pen a mild cri­tique of CRT that Rev. Miller labeled as “offer­ing [an] oppos­ing view­point.” He then went right up the edge, or crossed it, of insult in a com­ment on the arti­cle. In anoth­er com­ment he mocks anoth­er com­menter, accus­ing him of “will­ful blind­ness” for deny­ing sys­temic racism.

That is by no means a thor­ough exam­i­na­tion, but all said to give exam­ples of where Rev. Miller is at. Grant­ed, his posi­tions are hard to nail down, as the com­bi­na­tion of lack of evi­dence, bla­tant­ly con­tra­dic­to­ry state­ments, and (seem­ly) defi­cient def­i­n­i­tions. Do you not agree with our assess­ment? Well, look at the evi­dence we pro­vid­ed, gath­er some of your own, and bring that to us and we will be more than will­ing to dia­logue about it. 

The only boogey­man pre­sent­ed in the arti­cle is the one Dave claims is hid­ing with­in min­istries that actu­al­ly pro­vide you with evi­dence to look at. Fol­low evi­dence, not emo­tion.

Arti­cle direct­ly deal­ing with Rev. Miller’s arti­cle: https://www.wordfoundations.com/heedthewarnings/

Our film doc­u­ment­ing woke ide­olo­gies enter­ing the church: www.enemieswithinthechurch.com

Woke SBC com­pi­la­tion: https://youtu.be/qOnaakLuJ90

And be sure to check out oth­er arti­cles here, as well as The Woke­pe­dia Pod­cast on YouTube, Rum­ble, or your favorite pod­cast plat­form.

Kyle Whitt

Kyle Whitt and his family reside in beautiful Northern Idaho where he serves his local church by leading college ministry, assisting local planting efforts, and building connections with other local churches. Kyle was formerly involved with church planting in the SBC's North American Mission Board until he removed himself and called out blatantly false teaching about the gospel.

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