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Mid-Amer­i­ca Shuts Down Trevor Loudon:

By Mic­ah Sam­ple, Woke­pe­dia Edi­tor

On Sat­ur­day, April 30th of 2022, Trevor Loudon, the expert researcher for the film Ene­mies With­in: The Church was sched­uled to speak at a Cul­tur­al Engage­ment con­fer­ence event at Mid-Amer­i­ca Bap­tist The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary. The event orga­niz­er, Cit­i­zens for Amer­i­ca, asked EWTC to spon­sor the event, and EWTC agreed, upon the con­di­tion that they would be allowed to show the film. It should have been a rather rou­tine event, and the mes­sage of the film should have reached its intend­ed audi­ence that day.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that did not hap­pen. Mere days before the doc­u­men­tary show­ing was sup­posed to occur, Judd Saul (direc­tor of the film) received word that Mid-Amer­i­ca Sem­i­nary Pres­i­dent, Dr. Michael Spradlin, had called Cit­i­zens for Amer­i­ca to pres­sure their orga­ni­za­tion into retract­ing their per­mis­sion to show Ene­mies With­in: The Church. Over the course of the next few days, Judd Saul and his team spent sev­er­al days attempt­ing to con­tact Dr. Spradlin and oth­er Sem­i­nary fac­ul­ty to find out why they can­celled the film show­ing. After all, the event was not an offi­cial Mid-Amer­i­ca Sem­i­nary event. They were mere­ly the venue for Cit­i­zens for America’s con­fer­ence.  By that point, pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als and copies of the film had already been shipped to Cor­do­va, Ten­nessee, and plane tick­ets for Trevor Loudon and the rest of the movie crew had already been pur­chased. Mean­while, the event orga­niz­er made no announce­ment regard­ing the can­cel­la­tion of the film show­ing.

Giv­en the nature of the sit­u­a­tion, Trevor Loudon decid­ed that the best course of action was to show up to the event and speak as planned. And that is pre­cise­ly what he did. Loudon called his audi­ence to action, cit­ing James 4:17 as a warn­ing against polit­i­cal apa­thy and com­plic­i­ty with evil in the Church: “For he who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, for him it is a sin.”  He detailed the impor­tance of Ene­mies With­in: The Church, high­light­ing the his­to­ry of Left­ist ideology’s infil­tra­tion into Amer­i­can Chris­tian­i­ty, beck­on­ing his hear­ers to do the right thing at every oppor­tu­ni­ty, regard­less of pop­u­lar­i­ty (or lack there­of). “We have a cri­sis in the church. Why isn’t the church impact­ing the cul­ture?” he asked. “Because the church has been impact­ed by the cul­ture to such a degree that it’s actu­al­ly aban­doned many of its core pre­cepts. It has soft­ened the mes­sage. It has dumb­ed things down to try and make things more accept­able to the cul­ture.” His speech rang with unde­ni­able accu­ra­cy; no one could deny that what he described was true. “That is not the role of the Church, peo­ple! The role of the Church is to guide the cul­ture! We are here because we want to see this become a Chris­t­ian nation again,” he declared.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Trevor Loudon’s mes­sage was not appre­ci­at­ed by every­one at the event, though he was met with cheers and applause from the audi­ence. He had deter­mined not to let the Sem­i­nary President’s slight slip by unno­ticed. Instead of ignor­ing Dr. Spradlin’s behav­ior, Mr. Loudon called him out on the spot. “I went to the Pres­i­dent of this Sem­i­nary here, today, and asked why this movie was not allowed to be shown. And I shook his hand, and I was as polite as I could pos­si­bly be. And all I got was: ‘Well, we showed it a few months ago, so we don’t need to show it again.’ That was it. After that, I part­ed on a hand­shake, and after that, we were told we can’t share the trail­er, now, either.” Short­ly after­ward, the live stream of the video was pulled, and Dr. Tim­o­thy Pigg, a Steer­ing Coun­cil mem­ber for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Bap­tist Net­work, walked onstage and pres­sured Trevor to leave.

We obtained footage of the events which tran­spired after the live feed was cut from Cit­i­zens for America’s Face­book page and pub­lished them on Rum­ble. We encour­age all of our read­ers to watch this video and ask: “Why was Trevor Loudon treat­ed so harsh­ly by Mid-Amer­i­ca Bap­tist The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary and Cit­i­zens for Amer­i­ca?”

Judd Saul issued this state­ment in response to the events which tran­spired at MABTS:

“The lead­er­ship at Mid-Amer­i­ca Bap­tist the­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary just went to go pull Trevor Loudon off the stage and they cut off the live video feed because he was expos­ing the fact that they shut down the show­ing of our film.

To put this whole thing into con­text.

We were called up by the event orga­niz­er Cit­i­zens For Amer­i­ca, and asked to spon­sor the event. We spon­sored the event pred­i­cat­ed on the fact that we were going to show the film at the event.

We got word last week that the Sem­i­nary pres­i­dent Dr. Spradlin called the event orga­niz­er and insist­ed he not show the film at the event.
We spent sev­er­al days try­ing to con­tact Mr Spradlin and fac­ul­ty at the Sem­i­nary to find out why they were try­ing to can­cel our film at an event that wasn’t being put on by the Sem­i­nary itself.

We had already pur­chased plane tick­ets and shipped things out to Cor­do­va Ten­nessee for the event. I spoke with Trevor about going and he decid­ed he want­ed to go speak to the crowd. Many peo­ple showed up to the event expect­ing a show­ing of the film. No announce­ment by the event orga­niz­er was made that the film wasn’t being shown.
Trevor decid­ed to explain why the film wasn’t being shown and who made the order.

In the mid­dle of Trevor’s speech they rushed the stage and pulled him off and cut the live video feed and pro­ceed­ed to try and throw out our entire crew from the event.

This is what hap­pens when you speak truth in a South­ern Bap­tist insti­tu­tion. Instead of just own­ing up to it, they like to hide and play games.

This is why the south­ern Bap­tists even the ones who claim to be con­ser­v­a­tive always lose. The Bible says let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. The Hon­or­able thing would have been to pro­vide the real expla­na­tion as to why they shut down our film. The hon­or­able thing would have been to let Trevor fin­ish his speech. The peo­ple that showed up to the event were owed a TRUTHFUL expla­na­tion.

Every­one on our film team stands on truth. It just seems that there are too many that are afraid of the truth even if they claim to be on our side.
We don’t play games. Don’t care about posi­tions. We’re not respecters of person’s. We also do not val­ue “gentleman’s agree­ments” over truth.
There are thou­sands of church­es across Amer­i­ca that are being infil­trat­ed by Marx­ism. There are mil­lions of Amer­i­cans being led astray by a false gospel. The church needs to stop play­ing games, and stand up to these evil ide­olo­gies.

Micah Sample

Micah Sample is Pastor of Dunkerton First Baptist Church in Dunkerton Iowa.

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