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Michael Wear Offers Mur­der­ing the Pre-born as a Solu­tion to Avoid a Dif­fi­cult Polit­i­cal Sea­son

In a recent arti­cle on Sub­stack, Michael Wear out­lines how in a post Roe polit­i­cal cli­mate
pol­i­tics could get messy and dif­fi­cult. So what is his pro­posed solu­tion? I will let him tell you in
his own words:

A sus­tain­able com­pro­mise would include the fol­low­ing ele­ments: a fed­er­al ban on
abor­tion post-via­bil­i­ty with excep­tions for the life of the moth­er, rape and incest (the
ceil­ing); the legal­iza­tion of abor­tion up to a cer­tain ear­ly-stage in a preg­nan­cy
(some­where, per­haps, between eight-fif­teen weeks, depend­ing on the make­up of the
coali­tion to sup­port such a bill; the floor); the cod­i­fi­ca­tion of the Hyde Amend­ment; the
cod­i­fi­ca­tion of robust con­science clause pro­tec­tions; a pro­hi­bi­tion of fed­er­al laws
over­rid­ing state restric­tions on abor­tion as pro­posed by the WHPA; and a man­date that
states ensure rea­son­able access to a safe abor­tion provider.” 1

That’s right he is propos­ing we com­pro­mise by allow­ing babies to be mur­dered some­where
between 8 to 15 weeks and to allow for full excep­tions. Con­sid­er­ing the fact that he worked on Obama’s
cam­paign in 2012, you might be think­ing “this is a pret­ty con­ser­v­a­tive take for such a lib­er­al!” But
Wear has also been involved with The And Cam­paign and has con­tributed arti­cles to The
Gospel Coali­tion.

This is a pret­ty rad­i­cal posi­tion for a sup­posed Chris­t­ian to have per­haps he has missed what
the Bible has to say about the shed­ding of inno­cent blood?

Proverbs 6:16–19 There are six things that the Lord hates, sev­en that are an
abom­i­na­tion to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed inno­cent
blood, a heart that devis­es wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false
wit­ness who breathes out lies, and one who sows dis­cord among broth­ers.

Exo­dus 23:7 Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the inno­cent and right­eous, for
I will not acquit the wicked.

Exo­dus 20:13 “You shall not mur­der.”

Scrip­ture is clear that chil­dren are alive in their mother’s womb Psalm 139:13 “For You formed
my inward parts; You cov­ered me in my mother’s womb.” And God even knew Jere­mi­ah before
he was in his mother’s womb, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were
born I sanc­ti­fied you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jere­mi­ah 1:5).

What Wear is propos­ing here is not a com­pro­mise, it is a con­ced­ing of all Chris­t­ian ethics and
val­ues to a wicked world that wants to rip inno­cent chil­dren limb from limb for the sake of sim­ple

Scrip­ture tells us how we are to over­come evil and it isn’t by com­pro­mis­ing with it. In the face of
evil God gives us this instruc­tion in Romans 12:9 “Let love be with­out hypocrisy. Abhor what is
evil. Cling to what is good.” What Wear is propos­ing is a hyp­o­crit­i­cal love that would allow for
chil­dren to be mur­dered all for the sake of polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy.

He isn’t abhor­ring what is evil.

He is open­ly try­ing to com­pro­mise with it; and he cer­tain­ly isn’t cling­ing to what is good.

The Christian’s response to the mur­der of the pre-born should be an uncom­pro­mis­ing stand for
jus­tice. It is only by abhor­ring what is evil and cling­ing to what is good can we tru­ly over­come
the great atroc­i­ty known as abor­tion.

Sam Jones

Pastor Sam Jones currently serves multiple churches by filling pulpit under the ministry of Cornerstone World Outreach. He resides in Sioux City, Iowa with the love of his life Sarah and their two sons Thomas and Henry. He is most known for his teachings on the 4 spheres of delegated government and being a voice for the pre-born.

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