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Joe Carter’s Sim­ply Bizarre “Solu­tion” To Same-Sex Civ­il “Mar­riage”

Joe Carter, a senior writer for The Gospel Coali­tion and asso­ciate pas­tor at one of David Platt’s satel­lite cam­pus­es, gave his two cents on the debate that is cur­rent­ly rag­ing over gay mar­riage by giv­ing what he believes is a solu­tion. If you just read the first few para­graphs of the arti­cle you might think that Carter is head­ing in the right direc­tion and will come to a Bib­li­cal solu­tion, after all, he does under­stand that you can­not change the def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage and main­tain that mar­riage isn’t fun­da­men­tal­ly changed.

“As Abra­ham Lin­coln was fond of ask­ing, “If you call a dog’s tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?” “Five,” his audi­ence would invari­ably answer. “No,” he’d polite­ly respond, “the cor­rect answer is four. Call­ing a tail a leg does not make it a leg.”

Like Lincoln’s asso­ciates, many of our fel­low citizens—including many Christians—appear to fall for the notion that chang­ing a def­i­n­i­tion caus­es a change in essence. The attempt to change the def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage to include same-sex unions is a prime exam­ple. Sim­ply call­ing such rela­tion­ships “same-sex mar­riages,” many believe, will make them mar­riages. Such rea­son­ing, how­ev­er, is as flawed as think­ing that chang­ing tail to leg changes the func­tion of the appendage.”

While it would seem right to com­mend Carter for under­stand­ing this sim­ple truth about real­i­ty and the essence of mar­riage in a time when post­mod­ern thought reigns supreme, I can not com­mend him or his solu­tion. After estab­lish­ing that there is real­i­ty that you can­not change, like the num­ber of legs a dog has or def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage, he soon falls into — or syn­the­sizes — into the same post­mod­ern thought that is detached from real­i­ty that he is warn­ing his read­ers about.

“What do we do about homo­sex­u­al cou­ples who have ordered their lives around the legal fic­tion of same-sex mar­riage? French says, “I want­ed gay cou­ples to enjoy mar­riage-equiv­a­lent legal pro­tec­tions but with­out chang­ing the legal def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage.” That was always a possibility—and still is. We don’t need to attempt to rede­fine real­i­ty and call a tail a leg to achieve this objec­tive. The solu­tion is, and always has been, to pro­mote civ­il unions.”

Carter’s solu­tion to gay mar­riage is to pro­mote civ­il unions for same-sex cou­ples. This solu­tion reveals that Carter is miss­ing the real prob­lem with gay mar­riage. The issue, or real­i­ty, that is con­fronting us is not an issue of def­i­n­i­tion, it is an issue of moral­i­ty. The rea­son Amer­i­ca — and every oth­er nation — should reject gay mar­riage is found in Proverbs 14:34 “Right­eous­ness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any peo­ple.” If any nation wants to be exult­ed they must sub­mit to the author­i­ty of God, or as Psalm 2 puts it the rulers of the nation must “kiss the Son”.

God is not judg­ing Amer­i­ca on if we pass a triv­ial test of if we are defin­ing sin in accor­dance with real­i­ty. He is judg­ing Amer­i­ca on if we are known for our sin or our right­eous­ness. Carter goes on to point out that a civ­il union doesn’t have to imply a sex­u­al rela­tion­ship and this is why he believes it is a prop­er solu­tion. Con­ser­v­a­tive Chris­tians keep mar­riage based in real­i­ty and homo­sex­u­als get all of the ben­e­fits and gov­ern­men­tal incen­tives of a het­ero­sex­u­al mar­riage, but we will call it a civ­il union. This is how Carter wants to uphold real­i­ty.

What Carter fails to under­stand is that the def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage is root­ed in real­i­ty because of the God giv­en laws and order behind it. In Gen­e­sis 1:27 we see the order of gen­der that God cre­at­ed mankind in His image and He cre­at­ed them male and female. In Gen­e­sis 2 we see the order of mar­riage that there is a hus­band and a wife. We see this set order reflect­ed in Exo­dus 20 when God com­mands mankind “Thou shalt not com­mit adul­tery.” Of course we see this order reflect­ed in the var­i­ous sex­u­al laws giv­en in Leviti­cus and Deuteron­o­my, and this order is upheld thought the rest of Scrip­ture. It is through the set order of mar­riage between one man and one woman and the fol­low­ing laws attached to it that we right­ly con­clude the def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage is between one man and one woman only.

In Carter’s solu­tion we find an accep­tance of the def­i­n­i­tion of real­i­ty but a rejec­tion of the set moral­i­ty that shapes the def­i­n­i­tion. A civ­il gov­ern­ment is not mere­ly to rec­og­nize the def­i­n­i­tion of the insti­tu­tion mar­riage, they are to uphold the jus­tice of God (see Romans 13:1–7). Iron­i­cal­ly, to believe that a nation is hon­or­ing God and observ­ing real­i­ty by tol­er­at­ing sin and in some cas­es would be reward­ing it, is noth­ing more than an abom­i­na­tion to God and a sin­ful fan­ta­sy.

Joe Carter’s solu­tion is mere­ly a syn­the­sis of sin in an attempt to move his read­ers to the left while still feel­ing like they are con­serv­ing tra­di­tion­al mar­riage. I would encour­age you as a read­er to remem­ber Proverbs 14:34 and give no room to the immoral­i­ty of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in our nation in false called same-sex mar­riage or in a wicked civ­il union that would reward sin. Remem­ber “Right­eous­ness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any peo­ple.”

Sam Jones

Pastor Sam Jones currently serves multiple churches by filling pulpit under the ministry of Cornerstone World Outreach. He resides in Sioux City, Iowa with the love of his life Sarah and their two sons Thomas and Henry. He is most known for his teachings on the 4 spheres of delegated government and being a voice for the pre-born.

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